Roberta Arnone, Esq


240 W 73rd St, Room 515
New York, NY 10023-2790

(917) 543-1763

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Roberta Arnone, Esq — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
October 10, 2023

This law practice at Roberta Arnone, Esq is strictly devoted to the creation of lifetime documents (power of attorney, health care proxy and living will). There is a sweeping movement across the country to avoid probating a will by using creative measures to gift all of your assets outside of your estate to spare your loved one(s) the expense and time required to hire an attorney during the most difficult time in their life. Many professionals are appreciating the importance of grief counseling and make it a priority. “I have made it my mission to assist adults in New York with drafting these three important documents.” Roberta Arnone, Esq.

Incident date: October 10, 2023


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