Rell E Rell Productions


TLB Rating & Accreditation


2175 E 69th St
Cleveland, OH 44103

(216) 790-0388

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Rell E Rell Productions — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
June 25, 2024

I caught the DJ bug while in college. Once I graduated I strated DJing my family cookouts and reunions. As my skills got better I began doing clubs, Weddings and Corporate events. With over 30 years of experience we can provide DJ Services to fit whatever event you are having. We do Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Birthdays, Corporate Events, Graduations, Reunions, Weddings/Receptions, and more! We want to provide the best service and sound possible to make your event memorable. So no matter what type of event you have we’ve got the services to fulfill all your needs. We have Catering, Decorators, Photography, Video and Wedding Coordinators to make your event memorable. You can also spice up your party or event by adding a Photo Booth!

Incident date: June 25, 2024


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