Red Sand Crafting


TLB Rating & Accreditation


Harker Heights, TX 76548-7621

(512) 730-1445

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Red Sand Crafting — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
August 2, 2024

At Red Sand Crafting LLC in Harker Heights, TX, we’re passionate about giving old materials a new lease on life. We take pride in transforming secondhand materials into beautiful, one-of-a-kind creations. From stunning jewelry pieces to unique home decor items like glass engravings, mirror engravings, and ceramic cheeseboards, we specialize in crafting handmade treasures that you’ll love. Our mission is simple: to rescue forgotten items and give them a second chance to shine, all while reducing waste and helping the environment.

Incident date: August 2, 2024


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