Fox Pest Control

Bad – based on

TLB Rating & Accreditation


377 Northgate Dr
Warrendale, PA 15086-7572

(855) 552-1994

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Fox Pest Control — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
July 5, 2024

After working in the pest control industry for years, brothers-in-law Mike Romney and Bryant White opened the first Fox Pest Control branch in 2012. They founded their company on the belief that hard work and integrity would enable them to grow their business successfully — and they were right! Fox now numbers more than 30 branches, all operated by local residents, small families who take pride in working hard, serving their community, and living the Fox Core Values.

Incident date: July 5, 2024


Randy Merland
July 16, 2024
Me and my wife spent 1,500 for one year contract and 40.00 month to have them get rid of the roaches after are contract was up we still have bugs. They lied to us said they will be gone after a year and they said they guarantee it now they lied want me to sign contract again. said no. They lied to us. A friend of mine told me to order a sofa candle for 3 bucks it will kill anything alive. So I did that and it work I have not seen one bug in 4 months.

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