Collins Roofing


TLB Rating & Accreditation


1910 W Sandhurst Dr
Florence, SC 29505-2958

(843) 598-7440

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Collins Roofing — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
October 10, 2024

You will have peace of mind when you have a stable roof. Collins Roofing takes great pride in offering top-notch roofing services and products. Collins Roofing is a local, professional commercial, and residential Roofing Company In Florence, South Carolina. Founded in 1972, we are the oldest and the preferred roofing contractor in Florence. We have a proven track record that makes us stand out from the other roofers in Florence. As a full-service roofing company, our service includes roof installations, roof repairs, maintenance, and replacement. We have the resources and the capacity to handle commercial and residential services. None can match our service and our rates are quite competitive. Working with us gives you the confidence that you are working with the best local industry professionals in town. We have the know-how and the resources to make your vision come to life. Before you hire a company for a roofing job, you need to ensure they have all the necessary credentials. Yes. we are a fully licensed and insured roofing contractor with a workmanship guarantee and all our tradespeople are fully trained roofers. We understand the complexity of installing roofs. We believe deeply in the neighborhood and a sense of community, and we understand the value of continuity. And that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our business. Collins Roofing has professional roofers with everything it takes to install any type of roof. And we will be your roofing experts for the long term. Call us today for a no-obligation free quote.

Incident date: October 10, 2024


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