Christopher Gallutia, Attorney at Law


7668 Slate Ridge Blvd
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-8160

(614) 575-1145

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Christopher Gallutia, Attorney at Law — Reviews, Complaints and Ratings

Trust Lobby® filed the complaint
October 9, 2023

Hello, my name is Christopher Gallutia. I have more than 36 years of experience in law. After finishing my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ohio State University, I proceeded to get my Juris Doctorate at the Capital University Law School. I graduated in December 1984, took the bar examination in February 1985, and was sworn in the same year. Early in my career, I started out with a small firm that handled various cases. It was working with this firm that allowed me to realize my focus would be on bankruptcy.

Incident date: October 9, 2023


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